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Protect Your Family With Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Apr 25, 2014 | 0 comments

Your home is a place of refuge and somewhere you should feel safe, but fire and carbon monoxide poisoning are two hazards that can destroy your sense of safety and put your life in danger. According to the National Fire Protection Agency, four out of five fire-related deaths occur in the home. Fortunately, installing fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in your house is a simple way to keep yourself and your family safe from potentially deadly situations. Smoke detectors, also known as fire alarms, come in two forms. Ionization smoke detectors can detect open flames that produce heavy smoke, while photoelectric smoke alarms can detect smoldering fires that produce little smoke, such as electrical fires inside the walls. Some smoke detectors include both types of technology to cover all types of fire. Carbon monoxide detectors scan the air for CO, a colorless, odorless gas similar to the carbon dioxide your lungs produce but with a different, more deadly chemical structure. This gas is produced by any type of fuel that burns, including natural gas, heating oil and firewood burning in a fireplace. It can cause you to fall unconscious or even die if high levels build up in your home. If you have both a fire alarm and a carbon monoxide alarm, you can rest easy that you’ll be alerted to any potential problems in time to safeguard your life. Also make sure to keep an eye out for potential fire hazards in the home, such as damaged wiring or appliances that feel hotter than normal.

For more information about local electrical repairs in the Conejo Valley area, contact Fornoff Electric today. We’re also available to answer questions about electrical problems that could lead to fire.