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Energry Saver

The Smart Cube®

The Smart Cube is a green energy solution that acts like an “electric piggy bank” that stores lost power. Contact us today at (805) 496-9620 for pricing or to schedule your Free The Smart Cube® Demonstration.

The Smart Cube® – Energy Saver

The Smart Cube is designed to lower your Electric Bill, increase the life of your appliances and motors, and safeguard your home against power surges (up to 2000 joules of heat) by making the motors in your home more efficient like your Central Air Conditioner which account for 40-60% of your power bill.

The Smart Cube is a green energy solution that acts like an “electric piggy bank” that stores lost power. The Smart Cube the stored power and recycles it back to your appliances. As a result, you are not charged for more fresh power by the utility company. The Smart Cube alone will reduce your utility bill by up to 20%.

How the Smart Cube® Benefits You!

  • Lower amperage & kilowatt consumption
  • Recycles power
  • Increase the life of your appliances
  • All this saves you money on your utility bill by 25%

Reduce Your Energy – Contact Us Today!

Contact us today at (805) 496-9620 for pricing or to schedule your Free The Smart Cube® Demonstration.

The Smart Cube® Specifications

Contact us today at (805) 496-9620 for pricing or to schedule your Free The Smart Cube® Demonstration.

The Smart Cube® Specifications

Contact Fornoff Electric Inc.

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